Discovery Museum Experience

On Monday the 2 of March the Discovery Academy from Kaitao went on marae stay. First the only year 8 class (Room 4) got dropped of at the museum. All of their gear got taken to Tunohopu Marae. While they were at the museum, Rooms 5 & 6 packed up their gear and went to the marae. Room 4 had an instructor that had taken them around the museum, watch two movies and do a quiz. First we went to the movie upstairs. The movie downstairs was the same except it was told in a different way. Then our instructor took us into this room where we had to do a quiz about the Mount Tarawera explosion. Also about the Pink and White Terraces. Then we went and watched the movie downstairs. It was fun because half-way during the movie the seats started to wriggle and move around. Then when the movie had finished we went and got our bags off the trolley, had our photo taken and thanked the instructor. We then started walking back to the marae. Room 5 & Room 6 had all ready been welcomed into the marae. While room 4 was walking back room 6 had just passed them. When they got to the marae room 4 didn’t have to get welcomed on.

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